
Upcoming Courses..

Level 1 - Basic Survival Beta Course (September 28th to 29th, 2024) Free Contest

To enter this free course please email and let us know that you would like to enter. The whole reason why we decided to do a test course is to see where the bugs are right off the bat. Iron out the wrinkles and identify any hiccups that may happen. If you're one of our lucky winners all we ask is that you pack a lunch and bring yourselves. We also would like your feedback for areas of improvement. Think of this as you are helping us launch our business by participating in it's development. This free beta course will count as a prerequisite for future courses. We're going to be treating this course like the real deal and we expect that all who would be attending will as well. This is like a dress rehearsal for us and if you win our contest you would be helping us out a great deal as well. Hope to see you there..

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Choose from one of our

Basic Courses...

Basic Survival Course
Calgary, Alberta & Area
$150 per Trainee
Learn the skills to not panic and act when faced  with an Emergency Wilderness Survival Situation...
Basic Bushcraft Course
Calgary, Alberta & Area
$100 per Trainee

Learn how to use the forest to build what you need to stay alive when faced with an Emergency Survival Situation...

Basic Navigation Course
Calgary, Alberta & Area
$150 per Trainee

Learn the skills in which we like to call "Lost Prevention". This course covers basic Map and Compass use with GPS.

Emergency First Aid Course
Calgary, Alberta & Area
$150 per Trainee

Learn Life Saving skills in an active led outdoor environment. I good addition to your emergency preparedness tool kit.

Choose from one of our

Elective Courses...

Canadian Firearms Safety  Course
Calgary, Alberta & Area
$175 per Trainee
Learn Firearms Safety skills to make your new hunting trips safer and more enjoyable. This is the Non-Restricted (PAL) License requirement safety course.
Intro to Hiking and Trekking
Calgary, Alberta & Area
$100 per Trainee

Learn how to travel safely in the wilderness when faced with an Emergency Survival Situation...

Basic Snowshoeing Course
Calgary, Alberta & Area
$100 per Trainee

Learn snowshoeing skills in an active led outdoor winter environment.

Intro to Camp Cooking
Calgary, Alberta & Area
$100 per Trainee

Learn camp cooking skills in order to sustain yourselves and keep occupied when in a Survival Situation..

DIY Equipment and Maintenance
Calgary, Alberta & Area
$150 per Trainee

Learn how to make and repair your very own gear. Save money and get outside more...

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Our Complete Course List...

Here is a list and prices of our available courses which we provide to our trainees provided prerequisites are met...

Level 1 Certification...

 These courses are required for Level 1 Certification
Basic Survival Course
The 3 C's | First-Aid | Fire Building | Food and Water
$150 per Trainee
Learn the skills to not panic and act when faced in an Emergency Wilderness Survival Situation...
Basic Bushcraft Course
Shelters | Tools | Useful Projects | DIY | Rope Making
$100 per Trainee
Learn how to use the Forest to build what you need to stay alive when in an Emergency Wilderness           Situation...
Basic Navigation Course
Map & Compass | Location Finding | Basic GPS Use
$150 per Trainee
Learn the skills in what we like to call "Lost Prevention". This course covers Basic Map & Compass use along  with basic GPS usage. Learn with us how to find your location on a map using a compass and how to check your work with a GPS.
Emergency First Aid with CPR C
CPR C | Triage | Wound & Break Care
$150 per Trainee
Learn the First course developed for Emergencies when dealing with an emergency situation..

 Level 1 Electives...

 Three of these courses are required for Level 1 Certification
Canadian Firearms Safety Course
Safety| Hunter Prep | License Prerequisite
$175 per Trainee
This is the Firearms Safety Course requirement for you be eligible to apply for your Non-Restricted Firearms Possesion Acuisition Licence. It is the first step to becoming a  Safe Hunter to help with Wildlife Conservation in your Province and to participate in this very poplular sport. 
Introduction to Hiking and Trekking
Pre-Planning | Techniques | Gear and Equipment
$100 per Trainee
Learn how to travel safely in the wilderness when faced with an Emergency Survival Situation...
Basic Snowshoeing Course
Gear and Equipment | Trip Planning | Techniques
$100 per Trainee
Learn the Basics of how to Snowshoe. What to wear. Where to go. Planning and Preparations. How to techniques. Emergency Actions. Winter weather reading
Intro to Camp Cooking
Food Prep | Food Storage | Fire tending
$100 per Trainee
Learn camp cooking in order to sustain yourselves and keep occupied when in a Survival Situation.
DIY Equipment and Maintenance
Gear & Equipment | DIY | Repairs
$100 per Trainee
Learn how to make your own gear and outdoor clothing. Learn how to repair and maintain what you've made.
Group rates also available please enquire when booking...
More courses to follow... TBA
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Check out our tenative course syllabus... 

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Learn Amazing...

Life Skills...

Develop Confidence...

Learn skills to develop courage when faced with emergency wilderness situations...

Learn Teamwork...

When it hits the fan, you may not be out of luck alone. Learn how to work effectively as a member of a Survival Team achieving the same goal.. Which is staying alive..

Come and Learn with Us...

Our Instructional staff have over 150+ years of experience in being in the Wilderness and Conducting Wilderness Skills Instruction... Learn from the Experienced who strive to be the best around...

Services Provided
  • Quality Instruction by Experienced Wilderness Skills Instructors
  • Course literature in the form of Handouts or Electronic Media
  • The knowledge to be confident when faced with Wilderness Emergencies and Survival Situations.
Services NOT included
  • Lunch not included while on most Training Courses unless otherwise directed. Trainees are encouraged to pack their own Lunches and snacks to meet their own dietary needs.
  • Transportation is not provided to and from training areas unless otherwise Directed.